Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Week 9

Sorry for the late recap! We're just 18 days away from the Philly Half Marathon, and things are getting rough.

But first, a look back: Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7, Week 8 

This past week started out great with a 10 miler at a 9:29 average pace. I ran with a fast friend and we kicked butt!
Riding on that high, I pushed through some pain I probably shouldn't have for a speed workout on Wednesday. After that, it was time to face reality and take responsibility for another injury. The inside of my right heel flared up and really hurt for the rest of the week, so I took time off running and focused on cross training.

M- 10m long
T- strength training for runners
W- 9x400m @ 7:45min/mi pace
R- 1000yd swim
F- off
S- off
S- 2.75m elliptical
total: 15 running/elliptical miles, 1000yd swim

I've said it before and I'll say it again: being injured sucks. Even after taking a bunch of rest, my foot still hurt quite a bit on Sunday. I tried out this space-age elliptical at the gym and found it gave a pretty good workout with no impact.

And then, I got a cold. It seems like one roadblock after another over here! The good news is that after almost a week off, the foot pain has gone away. I have another PT appointment tomorrow, and then hopefully will attempt my first run in a week. Assuming things go smoothly, I'll try to get back on track!

With all of the setbacks, I'm even more unsure of hitting my target goal pace for the race. But I know that taking a little time off now is far better than having to take months off later for a worse injury. Perspective is important.

How do you stay on track when your body isn't feelin it?

1 comment:

  1. When my body isn't feeling it because I'm tired or lazy, I always try for 5-10 minutes. If at the end of 10 minutes, I don't want to do it anymore, I stop. 9 times out of 10, I keep going. If it's because of injury, I take a moment to be greatful for all that I can do, and rest or do the workout that is appropriate for me that day.


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