Last month when I was on my flight home from Colorado, I joked to my fellow grad student that without any fitness goals to train for, I feel that I lack purpose in the workout department. Sure I can workout without a training plan, but I don't feel the same push out the door like when I have a goal in mind.
A few days later, I signed up for the St. Louis Rock N Roll Half Marathon... and then promptly had to cancel due to an unintended conflict.
I floated through the next month of workouts, trying to set any small goal I could.
Recently I was chatting with a friend from college who now lives in Philly. She's training for her first 5K soon and I remembered a few other bloggers running the Philadelphia Marathon or Half Marathon. I asked her if she'd be down for 13.1 in Philly and she said yes! Kourtney and I have been friends since our freshman housing assignments were right across the hall from each other in the quiet dorm.
So I've signed up now for my third half marathon! My first two were in Detroit and Washington DC.

Training plan to come! I'm so excited to have purpose once again.
Are you running Philly in November?
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