Thursday, August 4, 2011

A 50 mile Goal

(nope, not running an ultra marathon... yet :) )

Yesterday I logged onto DailyMile and clicked on the "training" tab of my account.

Looking back over the past few months, my mileage totals were increasingly high as I approached and conquered the marathon.
But after that, a combination of injury, Iceland, and getting my wisdom teeth out crushed my momentum for June. And July wasn't much better. I found myself feeling crappy, drinking too much beer and just generally out of whack.

Hoping to give myself some motivation, I signed up for the St. Louis half marathon, but quickly had to cancel those plans in favor of a microbiology conference scheduled the same day.

So my new goal is this: 50 miles for the month of August. It's going to be hot, it's going to be hard, but I'm so glad to be back in the game.
Last night I kicked off this new goal with my longest run since the marathon (over two months ago!!): 4 miles. And it felt awesome :)
How do you set new goals for yourself?


  1. I set a new goal last night too! After 2 tris and a half marathon in April and May, I sprained my ankle at the begining of June and had to miss my Tri. Then, since it's been so hot I just can't motivate myself to get out! I've been scared to committ. But I hunkered down last night and shelled out $60... So I'm doing a Tri on august 27.


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