Friday, December 30, 2011

My December

Phew! I once again managed to squeak through December, but only barely. Thanks for adapting to the blog hiatus-- it's now over! Here's what I was up to instead of blogging.

Working. A lot.

Studying for and taking finals.

Presenting at a research conference.

Putting up a Christmas tree.

Drinking. Duh.

Going to Mexico.

Seeing pink flamingos in the wild and flipping out. (a birder's dream!)

Attending parties.

Putting my laptop on my cat.

And a hat on my friend's dog.

Running very short distances.

And spending time with family.

Now that the bulk of the craziness is over, I'm feeling a bit more refreshed and ready to tackle the new year-- including starting training for my second marathon! More posts to follow soon; I'm back, baby.

how was your December?


  1. You survived!Great photos, I love the tree. Good job!xxoogma

  2. yay! congrats on finishing and squeaking through December! hope you have a happy, happy start of the year and more computer cat sitting happens. cute!


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