Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Blog Turns One

In the midst of post-Philly work and Thanksgiving, I missed an important day: the blog's very first birthday!

Last year I started this blog as a way to keep up with my family and friends, share some recipes and document my running and races. What's evolved has been amazing: connecting with the online running community, researching important food issues and sharing the grad school life has become something I look forward to each week.
So as the blog turns one today, I want to take a look back at RFS posts and highlight the best (and worst?) of the blog so far. 

The First Post: Grad School Is... I wrote this post about grad school to show family what my life had been like the past few months. I later followed up with another post this summer, "Grad School Is... 2" and it hasn't changed that much since then.
The Top 3 Posts: One of the coolest things about having a blog is getting to see all of the traffic stats on your site. The top 3 posts this past year have been about My First 5K, the bacterial Contamination Station at work, and my first recipe on the site, Indian Sweet Potato Hash. The most surprising success is definitely my bacteria post-- seems like I get a lot of Google Image traffic. 
My Favorite Post: Hands-down, my Bayshore Marathon Recap post is the post I re-read most often. Probably not surprising, but it's the happiest I've felt all year for sure. And Bayshore 2012 sign-ups are coming up!
The Most Helpful Running Post: This one's a tie between 5 Ways to Make Running More Fun and Tips for Snow Running. Not everyone has to deal with running in the snow!
The Ugliest Post: Another really popular post includes some of the worst pictures of me on the internet, namely, the Worst Running Photos Ever. Since the last installment, I unfortunately have enough fodder for a part 2 of this series. 
The Most Informative Post: My favorite informative post comes from an early series I did on the benefits of vegetarianism. While perhaps a bit science-heavy, the post about Infectious Disease and Factory Farmed Meat was interesting to research. 
There are more posts I could reminisce over, but I have to get back to studying. With less than a month left in the semester, I'm counting down until Christmas! Thanks for reading my blog for the past year (or less!), I'm happy to have an audience (even if it's just my mom) to share with :) 


  1. And your Grandma appreciates the window into your life too! Christmas is near...

  2. Happy blog birthday!! I hadn't considered that I could go back and see my overall top posts until I saw this post! It's probably because my blog's not one yet.. that's knowledge only a 1 year old would know :)

  3. I'm glad to have found you. Thanks for posting on my blog so I could find it. Keep up the great work!


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