With only 4 days until the Bayshore Marathon, I've been doing lots of online research and checking in with my marathoner friends for support. I'm super excited, but nervous! A fellow Twitter friend has run the Bayshore before and offered me advice this morning.

One way to cure some of the mental crazies I've been having is to check out the course map. The Bayshore marathon is an out and back right along the Grand Traverse Bay in Northern Michigan. It's insanely gorgeous and the number one reason why I chose this race.

The course is fairly flat too, with some hills but no real steep climbs to speak of. The elevation map looks totally manageable.

Another place I've been finding great information is on the Runner's World training website. Some of the articles I love are:
Finally, another way I've been gearing up is by listening to Ultramarathon Man, by Dean Karnazes. Dean is one of the most extreme runners in the world-- he recently ran across America! His autobiography on audiobook has been great inspiration and is full of mental toughness and great quotes. I'm midway through his first 100-mile race right now and it's incredibly inspiring.

One last thing: the weather forecast for this weekend has vastly improved from the earlier predicted "thundershowers" to partly cloudy with a high of 64! Perfect.

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